Spotlight: Jacqueline Gould

Spotlight: Jacqueline Gould

Jacqueline Gould began working as a Personal Agent with Integrated Services Network (ISN) in March of 2018. “I knew that I wanted to work with adults. I saw the ad for a Personal Agent with CCS ISN, and knew it would be a perfect fit for me.” Jacqueline said, “The...
Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

As you are likely aware, the Covid19 Delta variant is spiking across the State of Oregon. Our healthcare system is currently under significant stress. As a result, we are adopting new organizational protocols. Additionally, we are implementing a simple system of...
Volunteers Sustain Father Taaffe Homes

Volunteers Sustain Father Taaffe Homes

Raising funds through car shows, food booths, quilt raffles and BBQ dinners, volunteers, including many CCS, CCSF & ISN staff members, ensure that young moms in crisis have the support they need to protect and nurture their babies.     The Father Taaffe Homes...
Bill and Donna Coutts: Champions for Children

Bill and Donna Coutts: Champions for Children

Donna Coutts and her husband, Bill, provided foster care for hundreds of children and adolescents for more than 39 years – most of those with Catholic Community Services. Their work spanned all of our CCS programs, including treatment foster care and the Forever Home...