Brandy and Susan

Brandy and Susan

Brandy first entered the foster care system when she was just five years old. Her life got better when she was able to live with her grandmother. But one morning, she came out of her room to find her grandmother had passed away on the couch. After experiencing that...
CCS Community News May 2017

CCS Community News May 2017

In this Issue:Blanchet Hall of FameSanctuary Theme of the Month – Growth & ChangeBoard Member Spotlight – Mike RohwerBlanchet Swing DanceFit, Fun FridaysDownload CCS Community News for May 2017
Sanctuary Theme of the Month

Sanctuary Theme of the Month

Growth and ChangeAs spring awakens, the world around us begins to change. A world of muted grays blossoms into one of vibrant reds and yellows. This is a wonderful time for us to reflect upon our own growth and change by asking ourselves four questions:1. Who are...
Fit, Fun Fridays are Back!

Fit, Fun Fridays are Back!

It’s that time of year again; the sun is shining and everyone wants to get out and soak up some vitamin D. Why not take a break from the computer screen, get outside, enjoy some sunshine and exercise with co-workers and friends? Fit, Fun Fridays are back!A group...
Blanchet Hall of Fame

Blanchet Hall of Fame

On Friday, April 28th, Blanchet Catholic School inducted six new members into its Hall of Fame. The school holds a Hall of Fame Ceremony every year to recognize and remember successful alumni and community members who have given back to Blanchet Catholic School. This...