In most workplace cultures, we are expected to leave our personal lives at the door. Your work-life is your work-life, your home-life is your home-life, and the two don’t mix. But here at CCS, we understand that’s just not realistic. Our Sanctuary commitment...
After gathering extensive input from our CCS, CCSF, and ISN Benefits Committee, the Executive Team recently approved a new policy that gives all employees five additional paid holidays each year, effective July 1. Below is the list of current and new* holidays: ...
“Love where you live, love your people, live lightly and follow your interests. You will find deep contentment in your life.” – Verna Scharbach Verna Scharbach started collecting donations inside her own garage in the early 1970s to address the tremendous need...
Knights of Columbus (KoC) Councils throughout Oregon and the Knights Ladies are key partners in sustaining the legacy of the late, beloved Fr. Charles Taaffe. Recently, Statewide KoC Deputy Ron Boyce and his wife Ana Boyce presented a check in support of Fr. Taaffe...
“Justice, truth, and freedom are derived from the love that we choose to show others as well as ourselves. “-Amy Formiller Love, justice, truth, and freedom play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. Amy Formiller, a direct support...