Josh Graves recently addressed a letter to all employees giving an overview of changes underway to ensure Continuous Quality Improvement, innovation and financial sustainability. Our commitments to open communication, growth and change, and social responsibility can...
April/May 2019A Letter from Josh GravesMount Angel Community GardenFormer Father Taaffe Mom Tells Her StoryFamily Resource Center TourSmoke and Tobacco PolicyUnited Way Plant SaleCulture of Wellness CornerTheme of the MonthDownload this issue of CCS Community...
Through the Lens of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion…CCS has recently updated its policy language around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and has a DEI team working to expand our shared knowledge in this area.To understand the full meaning of the word...
In 2018, 60 pregnant and parenting young women and teens received the support they needed to protect and nurture their babies. Services and support ranged from providing a safe, stable, nurturing home at St. Brigid, to helping the young moms access pre-natal care and...
Know Your PurposeThe Okinawans call it “Ikigai” and the Nicoyans call it “Plan de Vida.” For both, it translates to “Why I wake up in the morning.” Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven additional years of life.