Volunteers Bring Heart to CCS Programs this Winter 

Holiday Drive Provides Comfort and Joy  

Thank you to our volunteers for your help preparing Christmas food boxes and gifts for vulnerable members of the community. This year, 90 food boxes were distributed to families to prepare a holiday meal and 105 children received toys. We are especially grateful to the businesses that hosted donation barrels and the many community partners and local parishes for promoting the drive. If you are interested in helping with the Holiday Toy & Food Drive next year, please contact Heidi Frederick at [email protected]. 

Fostering Hope Initiative Hosts Christmas Workshop  

In December, FHI hosted a Christmas workshop for families in our community, giving them the opportunity to pick out new winter clothes and toys for their children to open on Christmas. The event also included a fun photo-op with Santa and Mrs. Claus! We are especially grateful to the Eugene Knights of Columbus for their generous donation of 96 new winter coats. Thanks to many generous donors, including East Rotary of Salem and Maureen Casey, 63 children had gifts to unwrap on Christmas day, a new jacket to call their own and a warm blanket or hat this winter. 

Giving Tree Grants Christmas Wishes   

A giving tree for our Adult Residential Services program was hosted at the Bishop Steiner Building. Thank you to all who contributed to spreading holiday cheer. 

Queen of Peace Catholic Parish Collects Men’s Winter Clothing for Church at the Park   

In January, Queen of Peace Catholic Parish and the Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus responded to a need at Church at the Park for men’s winter clothing. Pictured are Dave Desmarteau and Dave Jones delivering two truckloads of winter clothing. These donations will provide warmth during the harsh winter months. Thank you! 

Thank you Garaventa Family!

Thank you to Donna, Jim and the Garaventa family for their generous donation of items for the Father Taaffe Homes program.