St. Joseph Family Shelter and Mission Benedict
Caring for those in need and welcoming all as Christ
The Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel established the St. Joseph Shelter and Mission Benedict in 1988. The Shelter and Mission are a ministry of hospitality in response to the Gospel message of caring for those in need and honoring St. Benedict’s instruction to welcome all as Christ. The Shelter and Mission Benedict witness to the dignity of each person by providing meals, housing, clothing, advocacy, referrals, emergency assistance and a supportive community.
Following 30 years of loving care and service to homeless families and individuals in the Mt. Angel Community, the Benedictine Sisters realized they could no longer sustain

this vital ministry on their own. After exhaustive financial exploration, community research, and a year of management partnership, the Sisters asked Catholic Community Services to assume responsibility for St. Joseph Shelter beginning in July 2017.
Together with the Benedictine Sisters, St. Mary Parish, Mt. Angel Abbey, Exchange Club and other community partners, CCS has worked to bring new resources to the St. Joseph Family Shelter campus to ensure the programs there will thrive and serve families in need for years to come. The Transitional Living Community at St. Joseph is a multi-faceted partnership that brings together various resources on behalf of families in crisis. Mission Benedict, a food and clothing pantry, also offers resource navigation and the Helping Hands emergency financial assistance program. Mission Benedict operates in the same building as the Shelter’s TLC program and serves more than 1,000 families facing food insecurity and housing instability each year. The Mission welcomes community volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of families served.
For more information about Mission Benedict, click here.
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