Sanctuary Theme of the Month: Social Learning

Sanctuary Theme of the Month: Social Learning

Social learning encourages us to recognize that every behavior has meaning and reminds us not to take perceived slights personally. Instead of becoming frustrated or hurt, social learning calls us to be open with one another, share information, and work together...
Partners Lift Up Families in Need

Partners Lift Up Families in Need

Catholic Community Services has received several votes of confidence from funders for our ground-breaking work in combining affordable housing with wraparound on-site services and support. Oregon Housing and Community Services has committed to work with us through a...
CCSF Hires Property COO

CCSF Hires Property COO

Catholic Community Services Foundation (CCSF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rena Peck as Chief Operating Officer in charge of Property. Peck will provide strategic leadership in asset management, property management, compliance, departmental data systems...