Regis St. Mary Catholic High School believes in empowering students to be compassionate community members. By engaging with Catholic Community Services and other community partners, students were able to gain a deeper understanding of community needs. They were encouraged to explore various service opportunities, including visiting Adult Residential homes, St. Joseph Family Shelter and fundraising for our food pantry, Mission Benedict.
Tending the Queen of Angels Monastery
Students and staff volunteered at Queen of Angels Monastery by tending the Benedictine Sisters’ resting place, pruning the orchard and many other tasks. During their visit, they heard about the rich history of both the sisters and the incredible building and grounds of the monastery.

Learning About Non-Profit Carears

The Students came to the Bishop Steiner Building to learn more about careers in nonprofits. They visited various departments and received an in-depth overview of CCS Resource Development and Communications. Afterwards, the students were able to create their own fundraising plan and present it to the class. Two months later, the students implemented what they learned and fundraised food and money for Mission Benedict. They collected 40 pounds of food and raised $125!
Fun at the Adult Residential Homes
The students visited a few of our Adult Residential homes. The students enjoyed meeting the residents by playing games and crafting. They also loved seeing Brian’s Star Wars themed bedroom and Matt’s hat collection!

Tour at Chruch at the Park

The students took a tour of Church at the Park. The tour included looking at the mod buildings, the warming shelter and the donation center. After the tour, they were able to help organize clothing donations to help welcome new families to the shelter.
Yard Games and BBQ with Shelter Families
Regis students volunteered at the St. Joseph Family Shelter BBQ! The students enjoyed games with the families and were able to learn more about our shelter ministries.