“Justice, truth, and freedom are derived from the love that we choose to show others as well as ourselves. “
-Amy Formiller

Love, justice, truth, and freedom play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. Amy Formiller, a direct support professional at the Baer Bridge Home says, “I am aware that love is not confined to certain types of relationships, but love can be demonstrated and can be present in all relationships; it is just displayed in different forms.”

Amy has been working with CCS for six years and will be starting in her new role as supervisor of the Bear Bridge home on July 1. Her mother is her greatest role model for displaying kindness to others. “She taught me to self-advocate, be independent and to always show compassion to others.” These life lessons have helped Amy form true bonds and to help those we serve live life to the fullest. She likes to remember birthdays and special milestones for everyone she serves and her coworkers. “They receive a card or a phone call from me to let them know that I am sharing their joy with them,” says Amy. 

Amy is also involved with Sanctuary training, which has allowed her to stay well connected with the organization and our values. “Justice, truth and freedom are derived from the love that we choose to show others as well as ourselves,” says Amy. “I strive to set an example of these core values while supporting our customers as well as other staff members.” In Amy’s free time, you can find her learning more about history or cheering on her favorite team, the Pittsburg Steelers. Thank you, Amy for all your hard work.