We have two upcoming opportunities to raise needed funds for Father Taaffe Homes and Pregnancy Support Services, providing care, stability, and community connections to vulnerable young moms and their babies. Step Into Spring is this weekend, May 15-16 at St. Edward’s Parish, 5303 River Road North in Keizer. Please plan to join the fun by bringing friends and family by the booth for lunch or dinner.
We have also been given a unique opportunity to provide exclusive food cart service at the Benedictine Brewery throughout the month of June, and many volunteers are still needed. Grab a friend or two and spend a lovely day at the scenic Benedictine Brewery. As an added bonus, thanks to leadership from our CCS Young Professional volunteers, all the proceeds will be applied to the Young Pros challenge grant and then doubled!

Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus Jeff Doyle, John Kmetz, Dick Pace (not pictured Knight, Josh Graves) recently refurbished the Fr. Taaffe Food Booth for upcoming fundraising events. Volunteers and brat eaters are needed. Bring a friend!