
The holidays are a joyous time, but they can also be stressful. With family parading in and out of town, dinner parties, and the pressure to come up with extra money for gifts, we can begin to feel frazzled and emotional. Fall is a good time to review and update your safety and self-care plans. As part of our commitment to being a trauma-informed organization, we should all have our personal safety and self-care plans in place. A safety plan identifies things you can do in the moment to remain calm if faced with situations in which you feel physically, emotionally or ethically unsafe. These can be simple things that you can do on the spot without anything but yourself. Personal self-care plans outline 6 categories to achieve optimal personal well-being: the categories are physical, psychological, social, moral, professional, and societal. The self-care plan is a great tool to help us maintain balance in our lives during the busy holiday season. 

Self-Care Plan
Safety Plan Template