Finally coming by popular request, the first Learning Management System for CCS/CCSF/ISN!!

This has been a request by employees and a passionate dream of our HR and leadership team for years, and it is finally coming to fruition.

The new system will launch in June 2024. It will be a single sign-on through ADP – meaning you will be able to log into ADP, click on “Absorb LMS” and go straight into your learner dashboard. For your online courses, your transcript will be easy to find and updated immediately upon completing the course! Managers will be able to monitor the progress of teams in taking and completing courses at a glance through the Managers Experience.

More information will come out as we get closer to launching. For now, we are so excited to share this news with you all.

Big Thank Yous –

To the dedicated HR team for working tirelessly to get this system implemented in under a year, which is no small feat for this type of project.

To all who helped test the pilot and gave us feedback, it was greatly appreciated and helped us improve the system before it was even launched.

To the workforce for sharing with us what they would find helpful (i.e. a better training system) and giving us their patience and grace to make this goal a reality!