Catholic Community Services Foundation

Catholic Community Services Foundation supports and assures financial sustainability of CCS and its programs, develops and offers affordable housing, and maintains facilities to house CCS programs


Catholic Community Services Foundation is designed to support Catholic Community Services and its programs.

For many years, CCS operated almost exclusively on revenues obtained through government contracts. As the cost of service delivery has increased, available government funding has not been able to cover the costs, making it virtually impossible for a non-profit social services agency to survive without significant contributions from foundations and concerned private donors.

In order to continue to provide high quality, evidence-based programs to the children, adults and families of our community, it became clear that an organized fundraising effort would be necessary.

Financial Investment in our Community

Source: Audited Financial Report for Year ending June 30, 2023.

Source Data CCS/CCSF/ISN 2022-23 Revenue

Information used from 2022-23 Audit Report Adjusted for Extraordinary Items.

Past Annual Reports