Social Responsibility and Social Learning”The measure of our compassion lies not in the service of those on the margins…but in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship with them.”-Fr. Greg BoyleFr. Greg Boyle defines kinship not as serving the...
FreedomOne of our four core values is Freedom. As summer opens before us, a time to explore and spread our wings, it is helpful to reflect on what freedom means to us in our work here at CCS. Freedom can mean a lot of things. In a country where you are free to do or...
Open CommunicationOur Sanctuary commitment to Open Communication encourages us to be open, honest, and transparent when communicating with others. Sanctuary teaches that knowing where everyone is at on an emotional level helps us to work more efficiently as a team. We...
Growth and ChangeAs summer draws near, the world around us begins to change. A world of muted grays blossoms into one of vibrant reds and yellows. This is a wonderful time for us to reflect upon our own growth and change by reflecting on the four big questions:1. Who...
Through the Lens of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion…CCS has recently updated its policy language around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and has a DEI team working to expand our shared knowledge in this area.To understand the full meaning of the word...
Love”The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”-Mother TeresaLove is one of our core values, and it’s in everything we do here at CCS. Whether your role here is direct care or administration, we all strive to be loving people in...