As winter approaches and days get shorter, employees can take extra measures to ensure they feel safe when approaching or leaving their work sites after dark. At the Bishop Steiner Building, though the front parking is designated for visitors, employees working after dark can use discretion in moving their cars closer to the building and under lights.
Also during this season, occasional inclement weather and/or emergency situations occur that may impact roads and working conditions. We want our employees and customers to be safe at all times during severe weather and emergencies and have protocols that we follow in our various programs and work sites.
The Chief Executive Officer, or designee, makes the decision about whether to activate emergency procedures. The Executive Leadership Team will inform supervisors when such a decision is made. At that time, your supervisor or an admin team representative will notify staff of specifics related to each worksite.
Due to the 24-hour nature of many of our services, CCS is never officially closed. Employees are expected to report for their scheduled work hours. If you anticipate difficulty getting to work during adverse weather conditions, it is imperative that you contact your supervisor and let him/her know.
If adverse weather conditions require you to remain at the jobsite for the benefit of the organization and those we serve, you will be appropriately compensated.
Winter can be a beautiful and fun time of year, and we wish you all a safe winter season!