(Salem, OR) Aug. 21, 2020— Beginning at 8am sharp on a mild summer day, the Queen of Peace Catholic Church Parish Knights of Columbus, led by Grand Knight, Dave Desmarteau, got to work on installing safe, soft rubber play surface tiles for the new playground currently under construction at the Seymour Center for Children and Families on the CCS main campus in North Salem. The Seymour Center, named after the former Executive Director of Catholic Community Services Jim Seymour in honor of his 46 years of service, was built with the community in mind, in particular children and families in need. The promise of the Seymour Center is to help children and their families thrive, increase their success at school and in the community, and strengthen family resilience, all while increasing collaboration and service integration among education, health and human service providers. The complex is currently home to Gentle Dental, St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, the Community Counseling Center, PacificSource, Salem-Keizer Public Schools and Willamette ESD. Now, it will also have a new playground.

Knights of Columbus pictured during July playground build. Back row: Dave Jones, Dick Pace, Dave Desmarteau, Mike Stupfel, Glen Smith, Josh Kling, Front row: Jeff Doyle and Josh Graves
Catholic Community Services wishes to thank all the Knights of Columbus who dedicated their time to make this playground a safe and inviting place for our community’s little ones: Dave Desmarteau, Grand Knight, Josh Klinge, Josh Graves, Jeff Doyle, Mike Stupfel, Dick Place, Dave Jones, Glen Smith; CCS staff Steve Nass, Chris Jones, Nichole Dickey, Marcie Holmes and Heidi Frederick also rolled up their sleeves to help. Special thanks go out to St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank for logistics support and to Sharon Zelinski and EZ Orchards for the refreshments.